XTAuctions enables participation in the Italian and Spanish Government Debt actions, with the benefit that this is provided through an enhanced intuitive user interface in the English Language. In production with the majority of international market participants today.
XTAuctions Italy
XTAuctions enables users to operate on securities, (BOT, CTZ, CCT and BTP) issued by the Italian Ministry of Finance.
XTAuctions has a real time interface to integrate best prices on grey market from MTS. Additional grey market prices can be easily integrated. These values became the sources for the price- making mechanism and can be used as as a security parameters to avoid misprices.
The main functionalities are:
- Continuous monitoring performed by specialised dedicated staff
- Smooth deployment
- Real-time integration with MTS
- Multi-user
- Enabled for specialist re-opening auctions
- Effective ergonomic interface
- Customisable security parameters
- Direct gateway to RNI
- Auction History Browsing
- Services and quality enforced by SLA
XTAuctions! Italy also provides two dedicated modules for OPTES and OMA auctions:
XTOptes: multi-user application allowing primary bidding on OPTES, Italian Operations on behalf of the Treasury.
XTOpen: front-office component that allows traders to participate in ‘ECB Open Market Operations’ (such as LTRO and TLTRO) with Bank of Italy for Italian authorised branches.
XTAuctions Spain
Connection with Banco de España is provided by the SWIFT Access Facility (SAF), a proprietary new channel that provides monitored and safe connection, and allows full workability, enabling all the available auctions for the Spanish DMO: Primary, Second-round Spanish auctions.
XTAuctions Spain features:
- Effective ergonomic interface
- Continuous monitoring performed by specialised dedicated staff
- Smooth deployment
- Trader access credentials are directly managed, with no constraint from BdE
- Uses SAF (SWIFT Access Facility), reliable connection with Banco de España
- XTAuctions Italy’s identical setup (same Hardware and DataBase)
- Connectivity via BTRadianz
- Auction History Browsing
- Services and quality enforced by SLA